Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 448

Here are some of the cards I made for the grandkids and the great nieces and nephews. I think all of them were made using a free font. I have no memory so I can't even tell you what font. :O) The top two are all cardstock, the bottom 2 cardstock and vinyl. I think the card with the bats will go to my grandson. He told me he wants a bat for Christmas. When he was 2 we got him and ant farm for Christmas. He thought it was neat, his parents did not. When he was 3 we got him planet frog. You get the habitat and then have to order the tadpoles which they ship when the weather is warm. They arrived in June and I don't think they have grown at all since then. His parents are sick of the tadpoles and want to send them to Grama's but my grandson won't hear of it. I looked on line and some tadpoles take as long as 6 years to become frogs. :O)
My main computer is gravely ill. I can do one thing and it crashes. Today I actually did a dozen things but it was so slow. My new computer should be here by the end of the week. Once I get it set up and connected to my KNK I will be happy!

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